Lancaster Christian Writers

Winning Today’s Cultural War of Words
Chris Wachter
August 17, 2023

Winning Today’s Cultural War of Words

by | Aug 17, 2023 | God's truth, Uncategorized

Words have power. They can build up. They can tear down. Words are everywhere. In today’s crumbling culture, words are being redefined to suit certain agendas. New words are added with little thought to consequences. Truth and historical underpinnings can be lost with a keystroke. 

It can be as simple as basic grammar. Singular pronouns like ‘he/she’ and ‘him/her’ are replaced by “they” and “them” in the name of diversity and thrown on the trash heap. We are no longer men and women. We are cis- or trans- or bi- or non-binary or any of a range of 200+ designations. This goes far beyond basic grammar as our western culture and Judeo-Christian principles come under attack. 

It can be disheartening when Christianity is mocked and misrepresented and fewer and fewer people claim to have faith in a creative, triune God. Jesus’ redemption worked out on the cross and offered to all who will repent, accept him, and give him Lordship of their lives is now seen as nothing more than a conservative (or even Fascist) myth.

In truth, most people today are far too caught up in keeping lordship to themselves. It’s all about me. Don’t tell me I have to answer to some God when I have made myself my god. What makes me happy? How can I cancel someone for mis-labeling me or using harmful, “hateful” words in my presence? Or as my parents, “abusing” me and not allowing me to have trans puberty blockers or surgery at ten years old. Now certain states have vowed to step in and take the children from their ‘abusive’ parents. Abusive. That’s another word which has had its meaning twisted for political purposes.

How are we, as responsible, Christian authors to respond? 

A few weeks ago, I attended a Christian retreat where we come together and meditate on God and his Word, seek his presence, and become still. In the quiet, the Lord impressed three words upon me: trust, wait, believe. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Trust is where it all begins. We must trust that God’s ways are not our ways. Our understanding is imperfect, limited, skewed. His understanding is from everlasting to everlasting and perfect.  

Wait. “They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles.”  Isaiah 40:31 Especially now when it seems things are changing so rapidly, it is hard to wait for God’s timing. But his timing is perfect and worth the wait. Besides, we can’t do his will in our own strength. 

Believe. “You believe in God, believe also in me” John 14:1 We must believe that God exists and that he cares for us. Whoever believes in me will do the works that I do.” John 14:12

So, what are these “works”? We certainly can’t carry the sins of the world or perform miracles or sit at the right hand of God interceding for believers. What did he mean? I might be wrong, but I think what he meant was that we as his followers are to continue doing what the early disciples did:spread the truth of the gospel. 

Which brings us back to our duty as Christian writers. I am not implying we must all write devotionals or religious tracts. But no matter what we write, whether it’s nonfiction, romance, suspense, mystery, science fiction, or fantasy, we need to work in his presence and ask for his guidance as we write. 

Is he calling you to write deep, heartfelt nonfiction? Is your Christianity presented fully formed and aimed at leading readers to Christ? Then do that. Is he calling you to write cozy mysteries where the Christianity is muted but the writing is clean? Then do that. I have been called to write fantasy with Christian themes woven through. But since fantasy stories are set in other worldly places, the truth can be approached in a manner that feels less threatening to readers who might not be believers. And, for those who are Christian—and looking for that familiar truth set in an exciting story—the themes embedded in the fantasy tale are recognized and appreciated. 

If we write fiction, we need to write strong stories of light facing up to darkness, with strong, admirable heroes or antiheroes who find faith, turn from evil, and relinquish their need to place any idols on the thrones of their hearts. 

Especially today when true, biblical Christianity is pushed from the public square, we need to introduce readers to stories and articles where faith is presented honestly and without excuse.

We can’t escape the battle. Western culture is crumbling from within, just like Rome before its fall. Up is now down and down is now up. Common sense and truth bow  to the prevailing ideology. Many people today view Biblical Christianity as just one choice among many. They believe the lies of Hollywood and the left which paint Christianity with a very distorted brush. 

But if God has gifted us with the desire and talent to write, we have a calling to reach out to a needy people before it is too late. Let us write novels, articles, short stories, etc. that touch readers’ hearts and minds with the good news. 

But we should first examine our own personal relationships with God. Sometime ago, I was privileged to attend an online writers’ retreat with Allen Arnold, the author of The Story of With, Chaos Can’t, and The Eden Option. Allen Arnold urged attendees to  create with God, in union with him. That is the most important thing. Not sales, or making money, or a name for yourself. Create with God, refine the creation, then let him choose how to use your offering. Creating without God means we are working in our own strength and that leads to burnout and frustration. 

So wake up every morning and before your feet even hit the floor, pray. Give time to Jesus and ask God to open your heart to his presence. Be expectant and open to his guidance. “When you no longer try to control the navigation, you can actually breathe easier and enjoy the journey. “-Allen Arnold. 

Make me to know your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths.

Lead me in your truth and teach me,

For you are the God of my salvation;

For you I wait all the day long.  -Psalms 25:4-5 ESV